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WaterFire As a Cultural Catalyst

WaterFire Providence has been working on creating an exciting and performance packed event for the next full lighting in Providence next Saturday, August 10th. The planning and preparation for each WaterFire event is non-stop — but this weekend twelve volunteers from Rhode Island decided to take a weekend trip to… Read More »WaterFire As a Cultural Catalyst

The “lend your hand” photo project in memory and celebration of Sunil Tripathi

WaterFire Providence is pleased to reach out in support of Sunil Tripathi’s family to honor and celebrate their son. The family was greatly moved by the outpouring of support from the community during the two-month search for their missing son. In converting their loss into a larger response to the… Read More »The “lend your hand” photo project in memory and celebration of Sunil Tripathi

Now “it’s hip to be Square” at WaterFire!

WaterFire welcomes Square Wallet users with some burning hot special offers! We are always looking to create a better experience for WaterFire visitors. This year we are introducing new digital payments technology, Square Wallet, for all Official WaterFire merchandise purchases and donations made at the Official WaterFire Store or at Official… Read More »Now “it’s hip to be Square” at WaterFire!