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Building for the Future Episode 23 | Interior Design and Color Design

Interior Design Goals The interior of the WaterFire Arts Center is striking and bold! The colors and designs are chosen to align with the famous artist Piet Mondrian’s landmark quadrilateral paintings. The inspiration of his palette is carried throughout the buildings spaces and furnishings. Our building’s historic surfaces are unrestored but… Read More »Building for the Future Episode 23 | Interior Design and Color Design

Desks at the WaterFire Arts Center!

Exciting News! The WaterFire Arts Center receives its first furnishings! The first floor is still in mid phases of construction but the second floor is ready to receive its desks! Here, video intern Madeline Cirullo Vanna Whites our latest counter space.

Building for the Future Episode 22 | Three Dimensional Modeling

Providence local DBVW Architects used three-dimensional computer models to help them design the WaterFire Arts Center. By relying on laser scans of the preexisting building to generate a super accurate and detailed model, interventions and modifications were laid out in an explorable, modifiable environment that eased coordination between ourselves, DBVW,… Read More »Building for the Future Episode 22 | Three Dimensional Modeling

New Staircase!

The final touches! One of the WFAC’s signature elements, the large staircase to the second floor, was being installed today. After it receives its final coat of bright red paint, the staircase will be tying in the different Mondrian inspired colors that highlight the building. Who, what is Mondrian? An… Read More »New Staircase!