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Volunteer Spotlight – Sheryl Mason

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  • 4 min read

Seven years ago, Sheryl Mason was working at Fidelity Investments in Texas when she came across an email about Fidelity’s sponsorship of WaterFire.

“It looked incredible but, of course, was too far away for me to attend.”

To her disbelief, just a few months later, Sheryl was asked to transfer to the Fidelity Investment office in Smithfield, Rhode Island.

WaterFire’s Origami Cranes

The origami crane had a beautiful presence at the August 18th WaterFire event. The Japanese Origami Crane is a symbol of peace, friendship, longevity and fidelity. A fleet of WaterFire blue neon cranes graced the rivers of Providence this past Saturday night and five thousand paper cranes were given out as gifts to the crowd.