Specialty Tours of Providence
Providence Tour Company amplifies the value of Providence’s historic and cultural assets by incorporating them into cohesive narratives, delivered in an informative and enjoyable way. Our mission is to educate, inspire, and delight visitors of the Creative Capital and provide a one-stop comprehensive way for people to experience the spirit of Providence.
Crime and Cuisine on Federal Hill
A food tour with a felonious twist! This true crime food tour takes place in Providence’s Little Italy. Includes 5 restaurant tastings, including food and wine, and a parting culinary gift.
$75, ~0.7 miles, 3.5 hrs
The Creative Capital: Art and Architecture Tour of Providence
Appreciate PVD beauty in all forms! Learn about the city’s variety of architectural styles, the meaning behind its murals, and the importance of art in its Renaissance.
$30, ~1.4 miles, 2.5 hrs
Power and Politics: The Struggle for the Soul of Providence Tour
Power to the people! This tour chronicles under-told stories about rhode islanders advocating for liberty throughout history, including abolishing slavery, voting rights, and labor strikes.
$30, ~1 miles, 2 hrs
The Providence Prohibition Tour
This downtown beer and spirits tour brings guests back to prohibition in Rhode Island, which was a bootlegger’s paradise!
Includes 5 restaurant tastings.
$75, ~1.3 miles, 3.5 hrs
Coming late summer of 2024
Dark Tales: Haunted Authors of Providence Tour
Both HP Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe meandered lamplit streets on Providence’s historic east side. Walk in their footsteps and understand these masters of the weird and macabre.
$30, ~1.4 miles, 1.5 hours