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Facades inside and out!

  As the WaterFire Arts Center comes closer and closer to completion, it is beginning to take on its final looks. From the outside, the doors and awnings are installed, giving a definite visual impression that the building is no longer a strictly industrial space, but has been morphed into… Read More »Facades inside and out!

Back from the Holiday Break!

  While the WaterFire staff was away enjoying a hard-earned post-season holiday, TRAC builders and many subcontractors continued to work on the WaterFire Arts Center. They’ve installed central heating, and are now sealing up the spaces around the windows. The building is warm (at least relatively) and getting quieter as… Read More »Back from the Holiday Break!

Building for the Future Episode 19 | Financial Development and Implementation

Barbara Sokoloff and Associates has worked closely with WaterFire Providence to bring abut a complicated and successful funding package that will allow us to finance the WaterFire Arts Center. Their work with us has been so successful that the WaterFire Arts Center was even featured on the cover of Tax… Read More »Building for the Future Episode 19 | Financial Development and Implementation

Building for the Future Episode 17 | Full Groundbreaking Ceremony!

It is a little late for breaking news, but we here at WaterFire Providence celebrated the groundbreaking for our new  building at the beginning of the month with our official groundbreaking ceremony!

Many great public supporters of WaterFire were there to speak about what the Art Center means for WaterFire and the future of us and the neighborhood. You can catch a few highlights in this video!

Read More »Building for the Future Episode 17 | Full Groundbreaking Ceremony!

Windows are in!

It has been weeks of installation, but finally, the WaterFire Art Center has its new windows! Insulation around the windows is still being carefully fitted, but the final facade of the WaterFire Art Center is finally coming into place and looking fine! The panels of plywood which look similar in size… Read More »Windows are in!