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Celebrating Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks family home in Detroit

Celebrating Rosa Parks
featuring Ryan Mendoza‘s “Rosa Parks House Project”

Join us Saturday, March 31, 2018, 11:30 AM to 6:30 PM for a concert and celebration gathering as well as community and panel discussions throughout the day.

WaterFire Arts Center
475 Valley Street, Providence, RI

The WaterFire Arts Center will also be open on Easter Sunday from Noon to 6:30 PM for viewing of Ryan Mendoza’s “Rosa Parks House Project”.

Saturday, March 31st

Celebration Gathering & Concert in tribute to Rosa Parks: 3:00 – 6:00 PM

  • 4:00 PM Concert FEATURING Rose Weaver, Becky Bass, Ramona Bass-Kolobe, Delbert Collins, Elizabeth Ann Keiser, Angela Nash Wade, Raffini, Cathy Clasper-Torch, Kim Trusty, Christopher Johnson, Sidy Maiga, Sylvia Ann Soares and friends
  • Special guests: Rosa Parks‘ niece Rhea McCauley and artist Ryan Mendoza

Panel & Community Discussion: 11:30 AM*
A House, a Home, a Story: Oral Histories, Family Memories, Narrative Arc and Identity

Panel & Community Discussion: 1:30 PM*
The House in Art and Memory: History, Narrative, Place and the Act of Remembrance

Panel & Community Discussion: 5:30 PM*
African American History and its Telling: Still Contested Ground

*Speakers will be announced for each panel.

All events are free and open to the public!

RSVP for these events in order to help us plan accordingly.

Funded in part by grants from the Rhode Island Council for the Humanities and Rhode Island State Council on the Arts. Organized by WP Support Corporation.







About the author

I've worked at WaterFire Providence since 2003. For the first 9 years of my career, I worked in the Production Shop learning all of the details that go into the physical production of the event. In 2012 transitioned to the role of managing WaterFire's social media and web presence. I now head up WaterFire Providence's digital projects including, web, social, databases, and our physical IT infrastructure.

1 thought on “Celebrating Rosa Parks”

  1. Dear Mr. Ryan Mendoza, Ms. Rhea McCauley,

    1) Congratulations for bringing a grand gesture of history into a greater field of understanding.
    2) Ms. Rosa Parks stood up tall as a human beacon to enlighten her and future generations.
    3) She did so from a humble homestead… so humble it shamed today the upkeepers of her legacy.
    4) You light it up straight to its core. The very nutshell grandeur of human spirit can step up from the humblest origin in all its glory.
    5) It will be such a great centerpiece artwork at a Rosa Parks Memorial second to none… art… enlightening history and under s tanding and education and values building thru generatiions.
    6) Gaudi built the Sagrada Familia all thru gifts… today you can as well solicit peoples support in little bits to build a sanctuary to the woman who defied status quo the powers that ruled including overarching mores… to break a breach of light… we stride on today.
    7) Let it be…
    With utmost respect and a helpful hand.
    Sincecerely yours,
    Walter Hidalgo

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