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Before and After, September to February

It is amazing how much has changed in the months spanning from September to February! When volunteer photographer Elaine Fredrick made the first images in this collection, the windows were not fully installed! A lot has happened since then. Sheetrock has covered the steel studs. Everything is beginning to look like it will when we move in!

Can you spot all of the changes?

A minute long video can’t show every change in the space from September until today. Here is a short list of changes that have occurred in the space since those photos were taken last year:

  • New windows are completely installed!
  • First-floor wall studs installed!
  • Heating and cooling system installed!
  • Roof capped with final weatherproof materials!
  • Electrical, IT, and Water service are all installed!
  • Fireproof coating in workshop bays installed!
  • Kitchen, copy room, and office furniture are installed!
  • Staircase to the sky bridge is installed!
  • Paint on doors, oh, and doors!
  • Fire suppression system installed!
  • Bathroom tiles and counters spaces!
  • Exterior door awnings built!

So whats left?

With all of that accomplished already,  you might be asking yourself what is next to do at the WaterFire Arts Center? Some very exciting steps are coming up over the next couple of weeks, steps that lead us directly into our last phases of construction before we move in. Be on the lookout for the pouring of the main halls new concrete floor, the finish work competed in the cubicles and the office spaces, and the installation of carpets and lighting fixtures. We are getting so close to the finishing touches that take a space like our from being under construction to complete. Already, plans to negotiate the move-in period are underway.

Care to get a sneak peek at the WaterFire Arts Center and lend us a helping hand?

Very soon we will begin the migration from our offices and storage spaces across the city of Providence down into the WaterFire Arts Center. If you would like to see the WaterFire Arts Center give us a helping hand, we are looking for all of the support that we can get in moving our locations to the new space. To let us know that you are interested in more information about helping with our move, please email [email protected] and be sure to include WFAC Move In in the subject line! Thank you!

About the author

I've worked at WaterFire Providence since 2003. For the first 9 years of my career, I worked in the Production Shop learning all of the details that go into the physical production of the event. In 2012 transitioned to the role of managing WaterFire's social media and web presence. I now head up WaterFire Providence's digital projects including, web, social, databases, and our physical IT infrastructure.

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