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ArtCamp ArtCamp, Summer Camp at the WaterFire Arts Center

Join us at the WaterFire Arts Center this Summer for ArtCamp ArtCamp!

Draw, paint, build, and explore! School-aged campers (rising 1st through 5th graders) will dive into a new themed activity every day. Campers will work in peer groups, arranged by age, to make art and explore creative landscapes and sculptures around the arts center.

Taught by local artists and teachers, ArtCamp ArtCamp provides opportunities for a hands-on approach to artistic methods, materials, and inspirations. Throughout each day, campers spend time rotating into different art-making practices as well as having ‘free-make’ creative time.

This exciting art experience is located at the WaterFire Art Center in the Valley neighborhood of Providence, offering campers the chance to explore the vivid art scene here.  

Each week is unique and campers can choose to enroll for multiple weeks to build on inspiration and skills learned during each session.


Week #1: Monday, August 5th – Friday, August 9th

Week #2: Monday, August 12th – Friday, August 16th

Week #3: Monday, August 19th – Friday, August 23rd SOLD OUT!

Our day begins at 9:00 a.m. and runs until 3:00 p.m. If you are interested in before or after care please call Anna.

Registration + Fees

$400 per camper (1 week)

The fee is due in total at registration.

Before and/or after care will incur an additional fee.


Please call Anna @ (423) 802-7094.

Meet the Creators of ArtCamp ArtCamp

Anna Thompson
Sam Mrozowski

Anna Thompson and Sam Mrozowski are a married couple with two kids living and working in Providence, Rhode Island. They are both elementary art teachers working for Providence Schools. Sam is an illustrator with a focus on 2D and Anna is a sculptor with a focus on 3D. They are thrilled to be working with the WaterFire Art Center to offer your child this art experience.

Contact ArtCamp ArtCamp

[email protected]

(423) 802-7094

WaterFire Arts Center
475 Valley Street Providence, RI 02908


Questions parents have…

  • When is my payment due? 
    Payment is due in full at registration. No refunds are available.
  • Do you offer any discounts?
    We offer two (2) scholarship camper spots per session sponsored by WaterFire Providence. 
  • What is your dismissal policy?
    To provide a positive experience for all students, ArtCamp ArtCamp maintains the right to dismiss any child. Cooperation and mutual respect among campers are mandatory requirements of our program. Parents of students dismissed or removed from camp for unsatisfactory behavior or conduct will receive a refund equal to 50% of the unused tuition.
  • What if my child is attending camp alone?
    If your child will be coming to camp alone, please let us know and we will make every effort to introduce them to other campers. Our counselors and teachers will also be advised as well.
  • What if my child is not feeling well at camp?
    If your child gets hurt or just does not feel well, we will call the numbers we have for you until we reach you. You can then speak to your child and decide if you would like to come to get them. If there is no answer on your phone, we will leave a message and ask that you get back to us promptly. 
  • What if my plans change or we miss a day, can I get a refund?
    No, we can not offer a refund. 
  • What should I pack for lunch?
    Please make sure your child’s lunch does not need refrigeration or to be warmed up. Pack lunches in insulated bags with ice packs, if needed. Send your child with a refillable water bottle.
  • What if my child loses something at camp?
    Please do not send anything to camp that is not replaceable and please put your child’s name on everything! Our counselors do a very good job at trying to make sure nothing is left behind, but things do sometimes get left. If you return home and realize your child forgot something, please contact us as soon as possible so we can make every effort to get it to you. Items will be kept for one week in the Lost & Found when camp is over and then donated to a local charity.
  • What if I need to reach my child at camp?
    You can call Anna Thompson at (423) 802-7094.
  • What is your electronics Policy?
    No electronics at ArtCamp ArtCamp.
  • What is a typical day like?
    We have the day broken up by offering 4 different art classes each day. This means the campers also see both teachers two times each day. Each group has a camp counselor who stays with their group all day. We have two snack breaks and a lunch break. Throughout the day we build in lots of time outside and plenty of movement breaks. 
  • What is the adult-to-kid ratio? 

Questions kids have…

  • If I have friends at camp, will I be in the same group with them?
    If your mom or dad specified a best friend you wanted to be in a group with, we will make every effort to put you with that friend. However, if you applied late and your friend already signed up in a group that is now full, you would not be placed in the same group as your friend. However, if another group is still open we could move you both to that group.
  • Do the other groups have different workshops than I do?
    At ArtCamp ArtCamp groups have the same workshops for the day, just in a different order.
  • When will I get my camp T-shirt?
    We will be making our T-shirts during camp. You will get your T-shirt back and can wear it on the last day of camp. 
  • Do I have to wear my camp T-shirt every day?
    Nope, we will all wear it on the last day. 
  • How will I know where to go?
    WaterFire Art Center has a huge open space. Come on in the front door!
  • What happens if I have to go to the bathroom during a workshop?
    An adult will walk you to the bathroom and make sure you don’t need any help. 
  • What happens during breaks between workshops?
    We will have lots of wiggle breaks and everyone will have sketchbooks and free drawing activities.
  • What happens during lunch?
    Together we will set up, eat, and clean up after lunch. You will eat the lunch you brought with you.
  • Can my mom or dad walk me into the building on the first day?
    Yes! We’d love to meet them. 
  • Do we ever go swimming or take any trips?
    No, we will be way too busy. 
  • What if I am sick or if I miss a day?
    If you are sick, please stay home and get better.

COVID Safety Policy 

We will continue to monitor CDC Guidelines and adjust as needed. Please note this policy is subject to change. Here is our protocol for youth classes as of 1/22/24

  • All staff members are fully vaccinated.
  • Wearing a mask is optional for students under the age of 18 years old.
  • Class size is limited to 15 students.
  • Staff will keep daily attendance records for contact tracing, conduct hourly cleansing of high-traffic surfaces, provide hand sanitizer, and encourage hand hygiene. 
  • If your child is sick, has cold-like symptoms, has a fever, or has been exposed to COVID-19, please get in touch with us and keep your child home from camp.

About the WaterFire Arts Center

Photograph by Heidi Gumula of DBVW Architects

WaterFire Providence purchased the Art Center in 2012 and began rehabilitation for the vacant, historic, industrial building in the underserved Valley neighborhood of Providence. In 2017, after 5 years of fundraising, planning, and construction, the WaterFire Arts Center opened. The 37,000 sq. ft. multi-use arts center became WaterFire’s first permanent home in the community and serves as its headquarters and a multi-purpose arts venue. The WFAC is part of WaterFire Providence’s strategic plan to diversify its mission and revenue streams to sustain the nonprofit organization long into the future. Exhibitions and programming presented at WaterFire Arts Center will further the organization’s agenda of providing arts and culture opportunities and experiences for all, regardless of social, cultural, or economic background. Learn more about the WaterFire Arts Center including rental inquiries here:

475 Valley Street Providence, RI 02908