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Introducing The WaterFire First Aid Station

The Nursing Placement Mobile First Aid Station

WaterFire Announces New Partnership: Nursing Placement to Provide First Aid Station at WaterFire

WaterFire is pleased to announce an exciting new partnership and addition to the WaterFire installation: The WaterFire First Aid Station provided by Nursing Placement Home Health Care Services. The first aid station will consist of a 24 foot fully equipped RV staffed by two Nursing Placement certified healthcare professionals. The station will be located at the intersection of Washington and North Main Streets and operate from sunset to midnight.

Nursing PlacementNursing Placement will provide first aid care to the public at any time during all full lighting events this season. Trained nurses from Nursing Placement will be on site and prepared to assist anyone in need of immediate treatment. Visit the first aid station for treatment of scrapes, bumps and bruises, dehydration, allergic reactions, bee stings and a variety of other services.

The supervision of trained nurses and a safe space creates an alternative purpose for the station; a meeting place for lost children. Parents can reunite with their children at the First Aid station in case of separation during the event. Nurses will ensure the safety of lost children and offer activities like coloring books for the children while they wait to be reunited with family members.

Nursing Placement Home Health Care Services is proud to take part in the art and tradition of WaterFire Providence as the official first aid provider at each event.  Our company has been in Rhode Island since 1976 and we look forward to giving back and providing a service to our neighbors and friends in such an amazing venue.” – Michael Bigney, co-owner Nursing Placement, Inc.

Providing first aid to the public for free is a crucial and exciting addition to WaterFire.

Each lighting attracts thousands of spectators and approximately 1 million visitors each season. Accidents and injuries can occur anywhere and on-site first aid service can assist those in need.

Since 1976, Nursing Placement has been providing home health aide, skilled nursing and therapy and Hospice services to clients throughout RI in the comfort of their own home. Founded on the belief that a strong caregiver-patient relationship makes all the difference in a patient’s quality of life, Nursing Placement has a well-established presence in the home health care and Hospice community and takes pride in bringing exceptional care and service to their clients through each stage of illness. Visit for more information.

About the author

I've worked at WaterFire Providence since 2003. For the first 9 years of my career, I worked in the Production Shop learning all of the details that go into the physical production of the event. In 2012 transitioned to the role of managing WaterFire's social media and web presence. I now head up WaterFire Providence's digital projects including, web, social, databases, and our physical IT infrastructure.

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