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Wishes Into Reality

My name is Amy Elsbecker and I am a senior at The Met School. I have been interning at WaterFire Providence for a year and a half. My senior thesis project is a celebration of Met School students at WaterFire.

As Part of the celebration members of The Met School’s senior and junior classes will gather in Memorial Park and take part in a special ceremony. This will include the placement of personalized Luminaria lanterns and dedication cards in an awe-inspiring formation symbolizing student involvement and the power to dream.

Each student’s dedication will accompany a “Cox Communications” sponsored Luminaria lantern. On the cards students will share their wishes and dreams for each other as well as for their futures. Students, teachers, and the public will be invitied to gather and read dedication cards on Luminaria and discover the wishes of these ambitious students. This mini art installation will remain burning and on display throughout the entire WaterFire evening. The event will take place in Memorial Park the evening of Saturday, June 26, which is a full WaterFire lighting.

In every student, every person, even in the darkest hour there is that spark, a flicker of hope. I want to inspire others around us to have hope for their futures, to be influenced by teenagers that have made something of themselves even when others didn’t always believe in them. The Met has given us all the chance to do something more than the community expected, and we are going to show Providence that The Met’s efforts to support its students are a success.

The Met is a state funded public school affiliated with the Big Picture Learning 501(c)3 organization. “The Met serves 690 high school students in six small schools across three campuses in Rhode Island. The Met is grounded on the philosophy of educating one student at a time. We believe that true learning takes place when each student is an active participant in his or her education, when a course of study is personalized by teachers, parents, and mentors who know that student well, and when school based learning is blended with outside experiences that heighten the student’s interest.

For decades, Cox Communications has focused on recognizing excellence in youth education in our community. We are thrilled to support ‘Wishes into Reality,’ a unique opportunity to celebrate the innovation and success of The Met School and its 2010 graduating class. From the teachers and administrators to the students and their families, we congratulate the entire Met community on its commitment to academic excellence and community engagement and wish them continued success in the future. -Mark Scott, Vice President of Cox Business

Come join The Met senior and junior classes on June 26, 2010 at 9:00 p.m. in Memorial Park to celebrate The Met’s students and their dreams!

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