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2024 WaterFire Summer Intern Update

Photo by Fraenkie Poluchov, Photography Intern
As the summer of 2024 comes to a close, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the incredible work of the WaterFire Providence interns. Our interns have done immense work across our social media platforms. From captivating social media content to hands-on event planning for the fires, our interns have left a lasting mark on how WaterFire connects with the greater Providence area. Here’s a look at some of the highlights from our talented team:

Creative Services
Gray Allard; Social Media, Lessis Silverio; Videography, and Fraenkie Poluchov; Photography

At the core of engagement for WaterFire is this trio: Gray Allard, our social media intern, created posts throughout the summer for WaterFire full lightings, Clear Currents, and the events in the gallery. They also were responsible for the creation of captions, scheduling posts, and tracking the numbers of WaterFire’s socials. In tandem with Gray, Lessis Silverio, our videography intern,  produced video content such as Full Lighting Recaps, and Intern Interviews, for all platforms, most prominently Instagram and TikTok. With Instagram at 32,400 followers and TikTok at 1,023, it is without a doubt that Lessis’ contributions made this possible. Fraenkie Poluchov, our photography intern, captured jaw-dropping photos throughout the summer that were used across all social media, drawing in the greater Providence community to the allure of WaterFire. In addition to capturing their photos, they also helped organize photographers in WaterFire’s Volunteer Photographer Corps to ensure maximum coverage at each event.

“It was such a pleasure to be around such a large group of people promoting inclusivity within and of the arts. I will forever cherish my time here.”

Gray Allard, Social Media Intern

Rachel Liang; Graphic Design

Rachel Liang, as a Graphic Design intern for WaterFire, made significant contributions by designing a T-shirt for WaterFire’s annual Clear Currents event. Her creative approach captured the essence of Clear Currents, a community paddling event celebrating clean water in Rhode Island, incorporating vibrant colors and imagery that resonated with participants and supporters. The T-shirt served not only as a promotional item but also as a symbol of community engagement, allowing attendees to showcase their support for the cause. In addition to T-shirt design, Rachel worked on various graphics for social media, flyers, and programming materials. Rachel’s design skills brought a fresh perspective to WaterFire’s branding, enhanced its visibility and appeal, and played a vital role in promoting the organization’s initiatives and fostering community engagement.

Makai Zeon; Branding & Merchandising

Makai Zeon, a rising senior looking to gain more artistic experience with RISD this fall, was quite ambitious in learning more about graphic design and marketing. This summer he worked alongside his supervisor to take inventory of all of our incredible merchandise, worked in the WaterFire store, and created keepsake bracelets for guests at the WaterFire lightings. His dedication and passion for merchandising made him an all-star this summer!

Emily Herbert, Santina Jacques, and Eloise Abbate; Development

As Development interns, these three were responsible for drafting donor communications, collecting WaterFire donations, researching pertinent media contacts for the NetWorks RI gallery exhibition, and assisting with all of our incredible events. As interns, they also aided in the execution of WaterFire’s weekly TroopTop Thursdays, where they helped with setting up and greeting visitors. One of their significant contributions was their work at the WaterFire Brazier Society tent, which offers members exclusive benefits and special opportunities. As members of the Brazier Society, individuals gain access to a catered reception during the season, where they can enjoy special performances and socialize with fellow supporters. Our interns helped facilitate these experiences, ensuring that everything ran smoothly.

“It was such a privilege to work with a team that is committed to revitalizing the urban experience of Providence while fostering community engagement for all.”

Eloise Abbate, Development Intern

Lexi Guest and Julianna Tanzi; Events and Operations

Lexi and Julianna tackled some of our hugest events this summer, including Clear Currents! Clear Currents is a huge kayaking event we host to promote cleaner water in Rhode Island. The two of them traveled to the warehouse to repair a TON of koi fish kayaks! They were responsible for a variety of tasks, including setting up for each full lighting, coordinating with vendors and ensuring everything ran smoothly the day of the event. Without their hard work and dedication, this event wouldn’t have been possible. Flexibility and organization are crucial to this role, and the two of them kept our events running smoothly despite the ebb and flows of Rhode Island weather and last-second changes.

Abriella Lehr; Arts/Visitor Experience

Abriella Lehr, an arts/visitor experience intern and rising senior at CCRI, had ample excitement to be surrounded by so much art! She made substantial contributions to our gallery this summer, keeping the area clean and presentable to the hundreds of visitors we have to our space. Intending to see some incredible exhibitions, Abriella accomplished that with her incredible contributions to the NetWorks Rhode Island and the Chazan Collection Exhibition.

Skylar Gould; Arts Management 

Keeping the WFAC gallery on its toes was the one and only Skylar. Skylar played a key role in the curation of the gallery this summer, most notably the NetWorks RI exhibition. Skylar learned so much about curation and WaterFire and its prolific history. Skylar’s organizational support this summer was nothing short of invaluable. Her dedication, hard work, and attention to detail in the gallery were accomplishments we’ll never forget. Her efforts were felt day in and day out as she worked closely with over 100 artists participating in the NetWorks Rhode Island and the Chazan Collection Exhibition. Through these interactions, she not only contributed to the success of these projects but also honed her leadership skills, which will undoubtedly serve her well in future endeavors.

Reka Moscarelli; Non-Profit Management

Reka Moscarelli, as a Non-profit management intern for WaterFire, was instrumental in collecting demographic data about participants through the Map Tent, also known as the Pin it Pavillion, which is present at each full lighting. In addition to gathering data, Reka meticulously organized and analyzed the information collected at the Map Tent. They utilized various tools to categorize the demographics, allowing WaterFire to identify trends and better understand the members of the community it serves. The findings of Reka’s work will play a key role in shaping future programming and outreach efforts, ensuring that WaterFire continues to connect with a diverse audience.

Sada Libby-Grantham; Volunteer & Event Management

Sada Libby-Grantham, as a Volunteer & Event Management intern for WaterFire, played a pivotal role in recruiting volunteers and managing small groups on event days. She actively reached out to potential volunteers through various channels, highlighting the unique experiences offered by WaterFire. On the days of full lighting, Sada effectively organized volunteers, assigning tasks and ensuring everyone was clear on their responsibilities. In addition to managing volunteers, Sada assisted with the execution of events by coordinating supplies, setting up equipment, and taking charge of logistics, making sure everything was in place for a successful event. Her leadership helped create a collaborative atmosphere, allowing volunteers to work efficiently and feel valued for their contributions.

WaterFire’s mission to uplift the arts and make it more accessible to the Rhode Island public and beyond has never been lost. Become an intern today, you won’t regret it. Be a part of the art.

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