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WaterFire Salute to Veterans Panel Discussions presented by WaterFire Providence and Leadership RI

Veteran Torchbearers at the 2019 WaterFire Salute to Veterans event in Providence, Rhode Island. Photograph by Erin Cuddigan.
Veteran Torchbearers at the 2019 WaterFire Salute to Veterans event in Providence, Rhode Island. Photograph by Erin Cuddigan.

Leading up to the 2020 WaterFire Salute to Veterans Online Video Premiere on November 14, WaterFire Providence and Leadership Rhode Island will present two live panel discussions moderated by Casey Woods, Executive Director at Overwatch Project | FORGE, and emceed by Mike Ritz, Executive Director of Leadership Rhode Island.

Innovative Treatments and Approaches for Post-Traumatic Stress
Thursday, November 12, 2020, from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Facebook Live

As much as 20% of the post-9/11 veteran population experiences Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) in a given year. With symptoms that include flashbacks, nightmares and anxiety, PTS can impact a veteran’s ability to live a healthy and fulfilled life.

Join us for a conversation with three researchers who are at the forefront of innovative treatments and approaches for this common challenge for our nation’s veterans:

  • Rick Doblin, the founder and Executive Director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAP) will discuss MAPS’ MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTS.
  • Dr. Erik Won, retired Navy flight surgeon and President of Wave Neuroscience, will share his work treating PTS with magnetic e-resonance therapy (MeRT), a type of transcranial magnetic stimulation.
  • Dr. Noah Phillips, attending Psychiatrist and Director of the Psychiatric Neuromodulation Clinic at Providence VA Medical Center, will discuss his work using intermittent theta-burst stimulation (iTBS) to treat PTS.

Managing Post-Military Employment Success
Friday, November 13, 2020, from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Facebook Live

Transitioning from a military to a civilian career can be hard.

Join us for a conversation with three business and nonprofit leaders, all veterans themselves, who will share their own experiences with the transition as well as knowledge and resources to help other veterans successfully navigate the employment landscape:

  • Army Captain (Ret.) Florent “Flo” Groberg, Medal of Honor Recipient, will discuss his transition into the civilian workforce and his LinkedIn Learning course called “Finding Your Purpose After Service.”
  • Commander (Ret.) Karen Fine Brasch, retired Navy pilot, and Intuit Military and Veteran Initiative Global leader will discuss Intuit’s initiatives focused on creating jobs and financial empowerment for veterans and military families.
  • Major (Ret.) Amy Bernard retired USMC Logistics Officer and Senior Program Manager at the George W. Bush Institute’s Military Service Initiative will share resources developed by the Bush Institute and others to help veterans succeed in the civilian workforce.

About the author

I've worked at WaterFire Providence since 2003. For the first 9 years of my career, I worked in the Production Shop learning all of the details that go into the physical production of the event. In 2012 transitioned to the role of managing WaterFire's social media and web presence. I now head up WaterFire Providence's digital projects including, web, social, databases, and our physical IT infrastructure.

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